Медаль основателей IEEE

Медаль основателей IEEE
Страна  США
Тип медаль
Кому вручается инженерам, учёным
Кем вручается Институт инженеров электротехники и электроники
Статус вручается
Дата учреждения 1952
Старшая награда Медаль Почёта IEEE
Сайт corporate-awards.ieee.org/… (англ.)

Медаль основателей IEEE (англ. IEEE Founders Medal) — награда, которая вручается Институтом инженеров электротехники и электроники (IEEE) за инициативу в создании, планирование и администрирование крупных проектов в одной из областей интереса Института. Награда учреждена в 1952 году Институтом радиотехников (англ. Institute of Radio Engineers, IRE), позднее стала присуждаться Институтом инженеров электротехники и электроники (IEEE).

Список награждённых

Год Лауреат Обоснование награды
1953 Сарнов, Давид Абрамович
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding contributions to the radio engineering profession through wise and courageous leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments which greatly increased the impact of electronics on the public welfare.
1954 Alfred Norton Goldsmith[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding contributions to the radio engineering profession through wise and courageous leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments which have greatly increased the impact of electronics on the public welfare.
1955 Медаль не присуждалась
1956 Медаль не присуждалась
1957 Raymond A. Heising[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his leadership in Institute affairs, for his contributions to the establishment of the permanent IRE Headquarters and for originating the Professional Group system.
1958 Walter Ransom Gail Baker[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
"For outstanding contributions to the radio engineering profession through wise and courageous leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments which have greatly increased the impact of electronics on the public welfare.
1959 Медаль не присуждалась
1960 Haraden Pratt[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding contributions to the radio engineering profession and to The Institute of Radio Engineers through wise and courageous leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments which have greatly increased the impact of Electronics on the public welfare.
1961 Ralph Bown[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding service to the IRE and for outstanding contributions to the radio engineering profession through wise and courageous leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments which have greatly increased the impact of electronics on the public welfare.
1962 Медаль не присуждалась
1963 Фредерик Эммонс Терман
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished leadership in the organization and administration of, and contributions to, scientific research and education.
1964 Эндрю Макнотон
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his inspiring leadership and his personal contributions in the field of electrical engineering and radio communications.
1965 Медаль не присуждалась
1966 Elmer William Engstrom[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his leadership in management and integration of research and development programs and for his foresighted application of the systems engineering concept in bringing television to the public.
1967 Harvey Fletcher[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his creative contributions to the science of physical acoustics, electrical engineering, and for his management skills in the operation of a leading research laboratory.
1968 Patrick E. Haggerty[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding contributions to the leadership of the electrical and electronics engineering profession, with special reference to the development of the worldwide semiconductor industry and service to the profession through his contributions leading to the creation of the IEEE.
1969 E. Finley Carter[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding contributions to the electrical engineering profession and to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers through wise and imaginative leadership in the planning and administration of technical developments in electronics and telecommunications.
1970 Morris D. Hooven
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
In recognition of many years of creative leadership in the advancement of electric power systems engineering, and for contributions to the community in engineering education and in the effective uses of water resources.
1971 Ernst Weber[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in the advancement of the electrical and electronics engineering profession in the fields of education, engineering societies, industry and government.
1972 Масару Ибука
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding administrative leadership in applying solid-state devices in consumer electronics, thereby enhancing industry growth and bringing distinction to the profession."
1973 Уильям Хьюлетт и Дэвид Паккард
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in the development of electronic instruments, for creative management of an industrial activity, and for their unselfish public service.
1974 Lawrence A. Hyland[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership and management in the field of electronics.
1975 John Grist Brainerd[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his leadership in electronics in fields encompassing computer technology, high frequency techniques, engineering education, and national and international electrical standardization.
1976 Edward W. Herold
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his outstanding contributions to the electrical engineering profession at large, and in particular his insight and leadership in the development of color television.
1977 Jerome Wiesner[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership and service to the nation and the engineering and scientific professions in matters of technical developments, public policy and education."
1978 Donald G. Fink[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For contributions and leadership in television, radar and technical journalism and service to the electrical and electronics engineering profession.
1979 Hanzo Omi[яп.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For pioneering leadership in computer technology, the promotion of international cooperation in research and development in electronics and communications, and for devoted service to the electrical profession.
1980 Simon Ramo[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For contributions and leadership in the development, application, and management of systems engineering in the field of electronics.
1981 James Hillier[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For original contributions in electron microscopy and leadership in fostering a creative laboratory environment.
1982 Shigeru Yonezawa[яп.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For technical contributions in the development of VHF multichannel telephone systems, and for leadership in promoting international cooperation between developing and industrialized nations in telecommunications technologies.
1983 Joseph M. Pettit[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For contributions in electronic and engineering education; for leadership in engineering organizations; and for service to the world as an advisor to government and industry.
1984 Кодзи Кобаяси[нем.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in the development of computer and communications technologies, their integration into modern networks, and the worldwide expansion of electronics.
1985 William Norris[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership and pioneering efforts in the development of the computer industry and for innovations in computer technology.
1986 Хейлмейер, Джордж
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding leadership in the planning and management of semiconductor and electronics research and development.
1987 James B. Owens[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For exemplary and inspirational leadership, distinguished service, and administrative excellence in electric power engineering and the electrical engineering profession.
1988 Ian M. Ross[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished leadership of AT&T Bell Laboratories guiding innovation in telecommunications and information processing.
1989 Ivan A. Getting[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership of critical programs and enterprises in radar, advanced electronics, space and navigation as well as service to the engineering profession.
1990 Эрих Блох
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For bold and effective leadership in bringing industry, government, and academia together in new ways to establish and sustain engineering research and education centers across America, and for outstanding contributions to technology, especially in computers, semiconductors, and systems.
1991 Irwin Dorros[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished technical leadership in the evolution of national telecommunications networks and the implementation of a major R&D resource.
1992 Roland W. Schmitt[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in addressing competitiveness challenges, and for outstanding contributions to technology transfer.
1993 Кен Олсен
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For technical and management innovation, and leadership in the computer industry.
1994 Акио Морита
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished corporate leadership and for a life time of innovative contributions in bringing advanced technologies to consumer electronics products.
1995 Malcolm R. Currie[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For technical and managerial leadership in the electronics industry.
1996 Norman R. Augustine[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished and innovative corporate and technical leadership in aerospace, electronics and the defense industry.
1997 Гордон Мур
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For world leadership in very large scale integration, and for pioneering contributions in integrated circuit technology.
1998 Alan W. Rudge[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For distinguished leadership in the field of telecommunications and for advancement of the electrical and electronic engineering profession.
1999 Benjamin M. Rosen[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For the support and nurturing leading to the creation of more than 80 leading electronics and computer firms, resulting in significant contributions to the engineering discipline, industry and society.
2000 Bob Galvin[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For his distinguished leadership in promoting quality, technological excellence and cooperation between government and the private sector, and expanding the applications of electronics and communications technology globally.
2001 Robert A. Frosch[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For a career of significant advances in aerospace and automotive technology, and industrial ecology, and for skilled administration of R&D in industry, government and academia.
2002 Thomas E. Everhart[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For contributions in scanning electron microscopy and for leadership in academia, service to engineering organizations and advisor to the nation and industry.
2003 Ray Stata[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in the electronics industry through innovative technological development and visionary contributions in entrepreneurship, management and education.
2004 Милдред Дресселгауз
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership across many fields of science and engineering through research and education, and for exceptional and unique contributions to the profession.
2005 Eugene Wong[нем.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in national and international engineering research and technology policy, for pioneering contributions in relational databases.
2006 Toshiharu Aoki[яп.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding visionary leadership in global standardization and commercialization of broadband multi-media networks.
2007 Anita K. Jones[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For outstanding leadership in academic research and in directing science and engineering research in the Department of Defense.
2008 Steven Sample[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in higher education and the engineering profession, and for pioneering contributions to consumer electronics.
2009 Крэйг Барретт
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For bold, creative, and effective leadership in the electronics industry, and promoting education, research, competitiveness and corporate responsibility.
2010 Paul E. Gray[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For an exemplary career of leadership in education, research and public policy.
2011 James F. Gibbons[швед.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in engineering research, education and administration, and for building bridges between academia and industry.
2012 Faqir Chand Kohli[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For early vision and pioneering contributions to the development of the IT industry in India.
2013 Leo Beranek[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership as a co-founder of a premier consulting firm that shaped modern acoustical practice and laid the groundwork for the Internet, and for public service.
2014 Эрик Шмидт
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For transforming global access to information through his leadership and technological contributions.
2015 James Plummer[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in the creation and support of innovative, interdisciplinary, and globally focused education and research programs.
2016 Медаль не присуждалась
2017 Takeo Kanade[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For pioneering and seminal contributions to computer vision and robotics for automotive safety, facial recognition, virtual reality, and medical robotics.
2018 Нараяна Мурти
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For visionary leadership at Infosys contributing to human progress through technology and for advancing corporate ethics and social responsibility.
2019 Robin Saxby[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For achievements in developing a globally successful electronics enterprise with an innovative approach to licensing of Intellectual Property.
2020 Дженсен Хуан
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For visionary leadership of NVIDIA and the development of GPU fueling the Artificial Intelligence revolution.
2021 Henry Samueli[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
For leadership in research, development, and commercialization of broadband communication and networking technology with global impact.
2022 John Brooks Slaughter[англ.]
Оригинальный текст (англ.)
Forleadership and administrationsignificantly advancing inclusion and racial diversity in the engineering professionacross government, academic,and nonprofit organizations.

См. также


  • Страница премии на сайте IEEE  (англ.)
  • Список лауреатов  (англ.)