Optical medium

Medium through which electromagnetic waves propagate

In optics, an optical medium is material through which light and other electromagnetic waves propagate. It is a form of transmission medium. The permittivity and permeability of the medium define how electromagnetic waves propagate in it.


The optical medium has an intrinsic impedance, given by

η = E x H y {\displaystyle \eta ={E_{x} \over H_{y}}}

where E x {\displaystyle E_{x}} and H y {\displaystyle H_{y}} are the electric field and magnetic field, respectively. In a region with no electrical conductivity, the expression simplifies to:

η = μ ε   . {\displaystyle \eta ={\sqrt {\mu \over \varepsilon }}\ .}

For example, in free space the intrinsic impedance is called the characteristic impedance of vacuum, denoted Z0, and

Z 0 = μ 0 ε 0   . {\displaystyle Z_{0}={\sqrt {\mu _{0} \over \varepsilon _{0}}}\ .}

Waves propagate through a medium with velocity c w = ν λ {\displaystyle c_{w}=\nu \lambda } , where ν {\displaystyle \nu } is the frequency and λ {\displaystyle \lambda } is the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves. This equation also may be put in the form

c w = ω k   , {\displaystyle c_{w}={\omega \over k}\ ,}

where ω {\displaystyle \omega } is the angular frequency of the wave and k {\displaystyle k} is the wavenumber of the wave. In electrical engineering, the symbol β {\displaystyle \beta } , called the phase constant, is often used instead of k {\displaystyle k} .

The propagation velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space, an idealized standard reference state (like absolute zero for temperature), is conventionally denoted by c0:[1]

c 0 = 1 ε 0 μ 0   , {\displaystyle c_{0}={1 \over {\sqrt {\varepsilon _{0}\mu _{0}}}}\ ,}
where ε 0 {\displaystyle \varepsilon _{0}} is the electric constant and   μ 0   {\displaystyle ~\mu _{0}\ } is the magnetic constant.

For a general introduction, see Serway[2] For a discussion of synthetic media, see Joannopoulus.[3]


  1. Homogeneous medium vs. heterogeneous medium
  2. Transparent medium vs. opaque body

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ With ISO 31-5, NIST and the BIPM have adopted the notation c0.
  2. ^ Raymond Serway & Jewett J (2003). Physics for scientists and engineers (6th ed.). Belmont CA: Thomson-Brooks/Cole. ISBN 0-534-40842-7.
  3. ^ John D Joannopouluos; Johnson SG; Winn JN; Meade RD (2008). Photonic crystals : molding the flow of light (2nd ed.). Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12456-8.