Lyndon–Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence

Topic in mathematics

In mathematics, especially in the fields of group cohomology, homological algebra and number theory, the Lyndon spectral sequence or Hochschild–Serre spectral sequence is a spectral sequence relating the group cohomology of a normal subgroup N and the quotient group G/N to the cohomology of the total group G. The spectral sequence is named after Roger Lyndon, Gerhard Hochschild, and Jean-Pierre Serre.


Let G {\displaystyle G} be a group and N {\displaystyle N} be a normal subgroup. The latter ensures that the quotient G / N {\displaystyle G/N} is a group, as well. Finally, let A {\displaystyle A} be a G {\displaystyle G} -module. Then there is a spectral sequence of cohomological type

H p ( G / N , H q ( N , A ) ) H p + q ( G , A ) {\displaystyle H^{p}(G/N,H^{q}(N,A))\Longrightarrow H^{p+q}(G,A)}

and there is a spectral sequence of homological type

H p ( G / N , H q ( N , A ) ) H p + q ( G , A ) {\displaystyle H_{p}(G/N,H_{q}(N,A))\Longrightarrow H_{p+q}(G,A)} ,

where the arrow ' {\displaystyle \Longrightarrow } ' means convergence of spectral sequences.

The same statement holds if G {\displaystyle G} is a profinite group, N {\displaystyle N} is a closed normal subgroup and H {\displaystyle H^{*}} denotes the continuous cohomology.


Homology of the Heisenberg group

The spectral sequence can be used to compute the homology of the Heisenberg group G with integral entries, i.e., matrices of the form

( 1 a c 0 1 b 0 0 1 ) ,   a , b , c Z . {\displaystyle \left({\begin{array}{ccc}1&a&c\\0&1&b\\0&0&1\end{array}}\right),\ a,b,c\in \mathbb {Z} .}

This group is a central extension

0 Z G Z Z 0 {\displaystyle 0\to \mathbb {Z} \to G\to \mathbb {Z} \oplus \mathbb {Z} \to 0}

with center Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } corresponding to the subgroup with a = b = 0 {\displaystyle a=b=0} . The spectral sequence for the group homology, together with the analysis of a differential in this spectral sequence, shows that[1]

H i ( G , Z ) = { Z i = 0 , 3 Z Z i = 1 , 2 0 i > 3. {\displaystyle H_{i}(G,\mathbb {Z} )=\left\{{\begin{array}{cc}\mathbb {Z} &i=0,3\\\mathbb {Z} \oplus \mathbb {Z} &i=1,2\\0&i>3.\end{array}}\right.}

Cohomology of wreath products

For a group G, the wreath product is an extension

1 G p G Z / p Z / p 1. {\displaystyle 1\to G^{p}\to G\wr \mathbb {Z} /p\to \mathbb {Z} /p\to 1.}

The resulting spectral sequence of group cohomology with coefficients in a field k,

H r ( Z / p , H s ( G p , k ) ) H r + s ( G Z / p , k ) , {\displaystyle H^{r}(\mathbb {Z} /p,H^{s}(G^{p},k))\Rightarrow H^{r+s}(G\wr \mathbb {Z} /p,k),}

is known to degenerate at the E 2 {\displaystyle E_{2}} -page.[2]


The associated five-term exact sequence is the usual inflation-restriction exact sequence:

0 H 1 ( G / N , A N ) H 1 ( G , A ) H 1 ( N , A ) G / N H 2 ( G / N , A N ) H 2 ( G , A ) . {\displaystyle 0\to H^{1}(G/N,A^{N})\to H^{1}(G,A)\to H^{1}(N,A)^{G/N}\to H^{2}(G/N,A^{N})\to H^{2}(G,A).}


The spectral sequence is an instance of the more general Grothendieck spectral sequence of the composition of two derived functors. Indeed, H ( G , ) {\displaystyle H^{*}(G,-)} is the derived functor of ( ) G {\displaystyle (-)^{G}} (i.e., taking G-invariants) and the composition of the functors ( ) N {\displaystyle (-)^{N}} and ( ) G / N {\displaystyle (-)^{G/N}} is exactly ( ) G {\displaystyle (-)^{G}} .

A similar spectral sequence exists for group homology, as opposed to group cohomology, as well.[3]


  1. ^ Knudson, Kevin (2001). Homology of Linear Groups. Progress in Mathematics. Vol. 193. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8338-2. ISBN 3-7643-6415-7. MR 1807154. Example A.2.4
  2. ^ Nakaoka, Minoru (1960), "Decomposition Theorem for Homology Groups of Symmetric Groups", Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, 71 (1): 16–42, doi:10.2307/1969878, JSTOR 1969878, for a brief summary see section 2 of Carlson, Jon F.; Henn, Hans-Werner (1995), "Depth and the cohomology of wreath products", Manuscripta Mathematica, 87 (2): 145–151, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1007/BF02570466, S2CID 27212941
  3. ^ McCleary, John (2001), A User's Guide to Spectral Sequences, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 58 (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-56759-6, MR 1793722, Theorem 8bis.12