List of the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema

The 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema is a rating given from 1–100 to the best films in Ukrainian cinema.[1][2][3] The films were selected in June 2021 by the National Oleksandr Dovzhenko Film Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine through a poll taken of representatives of the national and international film community.

Partial list

  1. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1965), dir. Sergei Parajanov
  2. Earth (1930), dir. Alexander Dovzhenko
  3. Man with a Movie Camera (1929), dir. Dziga Vertov
  4. The Tribe (2014), dir. Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi
  5. The Stone Cross (1968), dir. Leonid Osyka
  6. The Asthenic Syndrome (1989), dir. Kira Muratova
  7. Flights in Dreams and Reality (1983), dir. Roman Balayan
  8. The White Bird Marked with Black (1971), dir. Yuri Ilyenko
  9. The Long Farewell (1971), dir. Kira Muratova
  10. Babylon XX (1979), dir. Ivan Mykolaichuk


  1. ^ Mironchuk, Roman (2021-06-29). "Top 100: best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema". (in Ukrainian). РБК-Україна. Retrieved 2022-03-06.
  2. ^ "The Dovzhenko Center presented the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema". Детектор Медіа (in Ukrainian). РБК-Україна. 2021-06-25. Retrieved 2022-03-06.
  3. ^ "List of 100 best Ukrainian films of all time according to film critics". (in Ukrainian). 2021-06-25. Retrieved 2022-03-06.


  • TOP 100. Rating of the best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema