
Gossain, Gosain, Gosine, Gussain, Gossai, or Gosyne is a Hindi word derived from Sanskrit: गोस्वामी gōswāmī "lord of senses". It is used as a title in various Indian religious traditions.[1]

These include:

  • Gossains, a Hindu social group dealing with Vedas
  • A title given to members of the Shaiva sannyasin order of the Dashanami Sampradaya established by Shankaracharya (e.g. Gosain or Goswami Tulsidas).
  • A title given to leaders of the Vaishnava order of the Vallabha.

See also

  • Gaudiya Vaishnavism
  • Gosain, Indian surname
  • Goswami


  1. ^ "Goasian - People Groups of India". PG India. Retrieved March 8, 2017.